The Strategic Plan

Introduction to the Strategic Plan

The Faculty of Computing and Information Technology at King Abdulaziz University is proud to present its ambitious 2030 strategic plan, which aims to achieve the college’s vision and strategic goals, driven by the dedication of its faculty, staff, and students. This plan is the result of your valuable ideas and suggestions, generously shared through your participation in workshops and related surveys.

The plan includes 60 executive objectives, to be accomplished through a variety of projects implemented by the college's departments and administrative units, in collaboration with relevant partners.

We invite you to explore the details of this plan and actively contribute to making it a reality with unwavering commitment and a drive that accepts nothing less than excellence. We extend our deepest gratitude for your participation and enthusiasm, and we look forward to your continued contributions and initiatives to help us achieve our shared goals!

Strategic plan

Vision A world-leading college in preparing high-quality competencies in computer science and informatics through distinguished and sustainable partnerships that contribute to the development and prosperity of society.

Mission We aim to achieve academic and research excellence in computer science and informatics by creating an innovative and encouraging educational environment. This environment enhances the capabilities of our human resources and empowers them to make effective contributions to serving the community and the labor market.


التعاون – Cooperation

Working together effectively, which is essential for achieving our collective goals.

الشفافية – Transparency

Open and clear communication that fosters trust within our college.

الإتقان – Mastery

Striving for excellence and expertise in skills or tasks, ensuring high standards in our work.

الابتكار – Innovation

Encouraging creativity and new ideas, which drives progress and solutions.

التطور – Development

Continuous improvement and growth, both individually and collectively.

الدعم – Support

Providing assistance and resources to help our colleagues and students succeed.

الاستدامة – Sustainability

Ensuring long-term viability and impact, preserving resources and fostering balance.

Strategic Goals

Leading the scientific research and innovation

Providing a distinguished educational experience

Supporting community services

Enhancing financial sustainability

Improving employment and the professional environment