Development and Quality Unit


In the Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, the Development and Quality Unit is considered the cornerstone for ensuring academic quality and educational excellence. This unit consists of several main divisions that work in harmony to achieve specific objectives that contribute to improving the efficiency of academic programs and keeping pace with global developments in the field of computing and information technology. The Development and Quality Unit plays a pivotal role in achieving excellence and leadership for the College of Computing and Information Technology, through the application of the best global practices in academic quality and accreditation, and ensuring the provision of high-quality education that meets the requirements of the era and the job market.

Organizational Structure

الهيكل التنظيمي لوحدة التطوير والجودة

Development and Quality Unit Manual

دليل وحدة التطوير والجودة

دليل وحدة التطوير والجودة

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Development and Quality Unit Manual

Development and Quality Unit Manual

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